Wednesday March 12th 2025
We held our monthly Hapy hour, always on the second wednesday of the month at Land Shark Bar in the world famous South Padre Island Margaritavile Resort. A good time was had by al! Live music and Happy Hour Libations. Live music with DaVila
March 5th 2025

The South Padre Island Parrot Head Club was lucky enough to be invited to a private event at the SPI Birding.Nature Center and Alligator Sanctuary. We were offered to symbolicly adopt a Reptile or Bird where our chosen reptile friend will be provided food and the habitat they need to thrive with each adoption. A year long adoption came with a personalized adoption certificate a fact sheet and other special gifts to show us their appreciation. We were served libations and appetizers and a tour of the facility along with a chance to pet a reptile. a good time was had by all.

"Party with a purpose"... more than merely a motto

July 2024 found us partnering with the Chilren's Advocacy Center of Cameron and Willacy Counties.
Our first month as a club, our first benefit drive, and there was a lot of love and caring in the room. We were able to load Susan's car with all sorts of goodies for kids who needed a helping hand.
And... not for nothing; we had phun doing it!

The CACCWC staff work collaboratively with other child abuse professionals on case management, investigation, and prosecution of child abuse cases. This Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) consists of the forensic interviews, Child Protective Services, 32 local law enforcement agencies, mental health and medical professionals, the Cameron County and the Willacy County District Attorney’s Office, and the Child to Adult Abuse Response Team (CAART).

The forensic interviews are conducted while law enforcement and CPS observe the interviews in a separate room. This allows for the children to be interviewed once, rather than having multiple interviews, as this often causes trauma and re-victimization.

“To be an empowered community free of child abuse and neglect that protects, respects, and values our children”

"To serve and advocate for child victims of abuse through education, prevention, intervention, and recovery”

boy in black t-shirt hugging girl in red and white polka dot dress
boy in black t-shirt hugging girl in red and white polka dot dress

August 2024... Our charity for August was Friends of Animal Rescue on South Padre Island.
They are a nonprofit organization that cares for the lost, homeless, and injured animals found on South Padre.
We requested a list of items that they needed, which they generouisly provided. It seems like it's alway kitten season on the island, and they were in dire need of Kitten and Cat food, litter and small litter boxes, and Kitten milk suppliment, and of course... toys!
And the puppy's were chewing on everything they could get their liitle mouths on... they taught us that Kong brand dog chews are practically indestructable.
Our Phlock came through like champs and Friends of Animal Rescue were truly grateful for our support.

We were also honored to have a representative from the Children’s Advocacy Center of Cameron and Willacy County (last month's charity) join us. They shared their important mission to support abused children, and we deeply appreciate their dedication.

black kitten
black kitten
selective focus photography of short-coated brown puppy facing right side
selective focus photography of short-coated brown puppy facing right side

September 2024...

The annual Causeway Walk/Run was even bigger and better.
The 6.2 miles (10K) course started at the Port Isabel Community Center, went over the Queen Isabella Causeway (these people are crazy) which spans the Laguna Madre, and ended up at Louie’s Backyard on South Padre Island.
And then, afterwards... Beverages were consumed!

September 28th
Texas Coastwide Beach Clean-Up


Who shows up a the un-Godly hour of 8:00AM to lend a hand to clean up other people's trash?
The Parrotheads of South Padre Island... that's who!
Although the beach was surprisingly clean due to the week of iffy weather prior to the event, our Phlock was able to lend a helping hand and gathered their share of plastic bags!
And then, afterwards... Beverages were consumed!

February 7, 2025

Beach Clean up for adopt a beach, We arrived at Beach access 8 and all signed in and headed to the beach for a grand walk and collection of any unatural item we could find. Our beach was amaziingly clean and we did not come back with a lot of garbage but we searched for a couple hours. A great time was had by all and our beach is a little cleaner because of it!

October 2024...

We Krawled!!

Fun was had. We walked, a bit faster than a krawl... but not much.
Got the tee-shirt.
And then, afterwards... Beverages were consumed!

October 23rd - 27th 2024

Meeting of the Minds Gulf Shores, Alabama.
Some of our SPI Parrot Head Club phlocked to Alabama's Beaches October 22-27 2024! Jimmy Buffet fans enjoyed a week of live performances, guest speakers, fundraisers, outings, and lots of fun parties. MOTM guests had the opportunity to connect with attendees from around the country in a relaxed, coastal setting. The week's events were held at various restaurants and bars throughout Gulf Shores and Orange Beach.

November 2nd, 2024

Pirates and Parrots Pirate Ship Cruise.
We did this one for the KIDS!
This was a cruise on the Black Dragon to benefit the Laguna Madre Youth Center! Here's who they are... in their own words:
"The Laguna Madre Youth Center is a fun and safe place where children can come to enjoy themselves and their friends. Our Center is based in Port Isabel, Texas, and was founded in 1989. We serve the students that attend the Point Isabel Independent School District in the communities of South Padre Island, Port Isabel, Laguna Heights, and Laguna Vista. Our purpose is to provide a place that your child can come to after school and receive a healthy lunch and snack, complete their homework, participate in sports and out-of-school learning, and understand how to be responsible members of our community."

November 9, 2024

Many Parrot Head clubs participate in their nearest annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s: It was a cause near and dear to Jimmy Buffett as his father suffered from the disease. Our SPI Parrot Head Club registered as a team in the Lower Valley Walk to End Alzheimer’s. It was held at the Brownsville Event Center on the morning of November 9. Following a (very gentle and easy) walk, we met at a watering hole for lunch and libations as a group.